Fullcalendar Slot Height

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Questions: I am developing a webapp and am using jQuery fullcalendar plugin. I need to somehow disable certain time-slots. The current method I am using is to add events for the time-slots I want to disable and disallow event overlapping.

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Var FC = $.fullCalendar; // a reference to FullCalendar's root namespace var View = FC.View; // the class that all views must inherit from var CustomView; // our subclass CustomView = View.extend( // make a subclass of View initialize: function // called once when the view is instantiated, when the user switches to the view. By default, this option is unset and the calendar’s height is calculated by aspectRatio. If an integer is specified, the height of the view will be guaranteed to be that exact pixel height. If the contents will not fit within the height, scrollbars will appear. It looks like the default is 20px, but I was hoping to bump this up, so an event that is the length of 1 timeslot would be able to show the event header and body. Currently when an event is the length of 1 timeslot only the event header is shown. Arshaw changed the title Evenly expand agenda slots to fit height Evenly expand timeGrid slots to fit height Jul 29, 2019 arshaw added Date/Time Rendering and removed View Rendering labels Jul 30, 2019.

I call the fullCalendar method as follows:

But in the result all events starting and ending one day before at 2:46a:

see Image

What do I do wrong?

Few things,

Try changing your date format for your events to yyyy-mm-dd I had this issue last night where my events were all showing at 4;30pm the day before and this fixed it for me.

Also noticed your dates have no times so are they all day events? If so make sure you're setting the allDay property to true.

One last thing, firstDay means the day of the week, so if Monday is 0 then Tuesday is 1. It doesn't mean the first day of the month.

All day, multi day event is moved to wrong date on calendar � Issue , It happens when I create a multiple day event that is also an 'All Day' event. and then a user can click a checkbox to set an event to 'All Day' even if simply used FullCalendar's eventDataTransform() method to add one� If an event object does not explicitly define an allDay value, FullCalendar will do its best to guess whether it is an all-day event or not. It will look at the start and end values of your supplied event, and if, for example, both are ISO8601 strings in the format 2018-09-01 without time parts, it will infer allDay as true .

I had the same problem and was only able to solve it by following the EXACT date format given on the demo page...

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (for example 2019-05-08T16:00:00 is 4 o'clock today)


yyyy-MM-dd (for example 2019-05-08 is today)

In other words, U.S. date format plus 24-hour time format.

Unfortunately there does seem to be a bug with nextDayThreshold. If it's set to 00:00:00 (the default), events ending at this time will be displayed as having ended the day before, which contradicts the documentation. Also, allDay=true events spanning more than one day will always be displayed as ending on the previous day.

Fullcalendar all day slot height

Here's my full code...

Events from any day that end before 10/9am on next day not , Possible Bug Reports Events that start on Day 1 and end on Day 2 before Using the FullCAlendar v3.2 demo (https://fullcalendar.io/js/fullcalendar-3.2.0/ demos/external-dragging.html), Go back to Week view and shrink the event to any time before 9am, say 8:30am. set nextDayThreshold to '00:00' . Sets the text color for all events on the calendar. When an event’s end time spans into another day, the minimum time it must be in order for it to render as if

Another way to fix that: use nextDayThreshold parameter

nextDayThreshold set the minimum time it must be in order for it to render as if it were on that day.

Fullcalendar slot height calculator

Issues � fullcalendar, 20, Setting to put multi-day events *with times* in the all-day section (timeGrid views) 18, encode date/view in URL fragment, so back button works View Date Range 8, hide a resource for a specific day (vertical resource view) Date/Time 5, for custom buttons with icons, set text as the title attribute Accessibility Toolbar. A value of false (the default) will display all events as-is. A value of true will limit the number of events to the height of the day cell. View a live demo. An integer value will limit the events to a specific number of rows. For the all-day section in the TimeGrid views, a value of true will limit the number of events to 5.

nextDayThreshold, When an event's end time spans into another day, the minimum time Whole- day cells occur in DayGrid views and the all-day slots in the TimeGrid views. It is important to stress that this nextDayThreshold option, set on the� In line with the discussion about the Event object, it is important to stress that the end date property is exclusive, just like all other places in the API. You can also specify a function that dynamically generates a range from the current date marker. The following example renders one day before the current view date, and two days after:

visibleRange, Sets the exact date range that is visible in a view. In line with the discussion about the Event object, it is important to stress that the end date property is exclusive, just like all other places in the API. You can also specify getDate() + 2); // Two days into the future return { start: startDate, end: endDate }; } });. Optional. Whether an event occurs at a specific time-of-day. This property affects whether an event's time is shown. Also, in the agenda views, determines if it is displayed in the 'all-day' section. If this value is not explicitly specified, allDayDefault will be used if it is defined. If all else fails, FullCalendar will try to guess.

One approach would be to replace all FullCalendar toolbar UI with my own UI so I could control all date changes. But I'm hoping to avoid re-implementing something that's already working. The ideal solution would be a changeDate event that would trigger whenever the date changed by toolbar clicks (or any future UI capabilities, like a swipe

  • Few things, Try changing your date format for your events to yyyy-mm-dd I had this issue last night where my events were all showing at 4;30pm the day before and this fixed it for me. Also noticed your dates have no times so are they all day events? If so make sure you're setting the allDay property to true. One last thing, firstDay means the day of the week, so if Monday is 0 then Tuesday is 1. It doesn't mean the first day of the month.
  • One more issue. I call it now as follows: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ allDayDefault: true, firstDay: 1, eventLimit: true, events: [{'title':'Matthias Klein','start':'2014-10-31','end':'2014-11-03'}] }); But in the calendar view it just shows the event on 2014-10-31 until 2014-11-02 (link)
  • Did you set allDay to true?
  • I set the allDayDefault to true. Do I have to do it for every event?
  • yes each event should have it. I haven't heard of allDayDefault where did you find that?
  • I found it here (link). Sorry, but setting allDay to true for every event didn't solve the problem.
  • I can see this could make a difference if each event went into the NEXT day, however it's not gonna fix events being displayed a day early.

Hot Questions

I am developing a webapp and am using jQuery fullcalendar plugin.

I need to somehow disable certain time-slots.

Fullcalendar Slot Height Chart

The current method I am using is to add events for the time-slots I want to disable and disallow event overlapping.

Is there a better way to do this? I rather not disallow event overlapping.

I can live with the solution for the above problem: adding black timeslots and disallow the adding of timeslots in those areas.

Nevertheless I have a more pressing problem. I need to be able to change the background color of slots for certain time ranges. Ideally I would be using this in the same way as the eventSources; just point to an url and send the to be colored ranges back with ajax/json.

The bounty I am about to add is for this last problem (colourized slot ranges, as well in day and week view). If someone can suggest me to another solution then full calendar that can do this, that’s also fine.


Using Fullcalender, in my code I have something like this:

The above code is a compilation of parts of a plugin I made, so it might not work directly. Feel free to contact me.


I finally got this available slots to work per days.

adjustment of koosvdkolk’s answer to have different available slots per days:

now just call:

and dont forget css classes:

Fullcalendar All Day Slot Height


This thread in google code allows to follow the evolution of this kind of issue. Actually it’s about busyness hours colors, but it is directly linked

Also this guy has implemented a very handy way to manage this purpose still using fullcalendar with this kind of code

Check the screenshot


Fullcalendar has a builtin function businessHours which emphasizes certain time slots on the calendar.


I found a solution by using another calendar: jquery-week-calendar ( https://github.com/themouette/jquery-week-calendar ).

This calendar has a feature called Freebusy. It’s ment to be used to have busy and free timeslot ranges, but by altering the source code a bit, I am able to add background colors to timeslot ranges. I changed the method freeBusyRender as follows:

Then, I can initialize the calendar as follows:

which gives me following result:

I bet this can be improved; I think I broke the freeBusy feature doing this, but I don’t need it.


There is another much more developed and supported calendar type plugin from dhtmlx called the scheduler here: http://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxScheduler/

It supports disabling of timeslots, background colours, and much more. I’ve used it before and found it offers everything I needed.

Tags: jquery, time