Is There A Casino Near The Dalles Oregon

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  1. Is There A Casino Near The Dalles Oregon Hotels
  2. Is There A Casino Near The Dalles Oregon Campgrounds
  3. Is There A Casino Near The Dalles Oregon Map
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The Dalles historic hotels put you near where all the momentous events in the area occurred, and where the old, vintage buildings stand. When you book a room at one of the historical hotels in The Dalles, you’ll experience the past come alive. Visit all the famous landmarks nearby and snap a few pictures for the scrapbook. Today Could be YOUR Lucky Day! Indian Head Casino is owned and operated by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, OR and is located along Highway 26. Don’t miss out on all the fun and excitement by checking out our October calendar.

Historical Markers and War Memorials in The Dalles

The Dalles, Oregon and Vicinity
Wasco County(59)
Clackamas County(86)
Is there a casino near the dalles oregon lodging Gilliam County(2)
Hood River County(29)
Jefferson County(11)
Marion County(21)
Sherman County(3)
Wheeler County(10)
Klickitat County, Washington(20)Hotels

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1► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Ancient Indian Fishing Grounds — Wyam Falls
Before a network of dams controlled the Columbia River it was a raging torrent. Here at Wyam Falls, known today as Celilo Falls, a vertical drop of more than 20 feet and sheer basalt bluffs on either shore forced the river into seething, boiling . . . — — Map (db m34581) HM
2► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Archaeology of Lewis & Clark —
Determining the exact location of the campsite used by the Lewis and Clark expedition is not as easy as it may seem. Archaeological evidence of the Lower Portage Camp below the Great Falls of the Missouri was announced by Ken Karsmirki in 1994. In . . . — — Map (db m158412) HM
3► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Baldwin Saloon —
This former saloon, built in 1876, is one of the oldest commercial buildings in The Dalles. The First Street facade has pilasters of cast iron. In early days, many of the city’s commercial buildings displayed cast iron ornament. Today, the Baldwin . . . — — Map (db m112069) HM
4► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Bennett House —
Built in 1899 for Alfred S. Bennett, this 2 1/2 story home is the largest, most elaborate and best preserved example of architecture showing the Queen Anne style in The Dalles. Designed by C.H Crandall and built by Hansen Thompson, the building . . . — — Map (db m112436) HM
5► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Carlisle House —
This 1889 house is an outstanding example of the Queen Anne style. The two-story structure has a distinguishing wrap-around veranda with circular corner bay. The hip roof is accented by Stick Style gable brackets. The original basalt stone retaining . . . — — Map (db m112113) HM

Is There A Casino Near The Dalles Oregon Hotels

6► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Carnegie Library —
Dedicated in September, 1910, this classical-style brick structure was one of many throughout Oregon and Washington constructed with grant assistance from the Carnegie Foundation during 1898-1916. In 1912, by contract with the Wasco County Court for . . . — — Map (db m112163) HM
7► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Celilo Falls Fishing Grounds —
In Commemoration of the Celilo Falls Fishing Grounds Historic fishing trading and gathering place for Indians of many Tribes from time immemorial until inundated by the rising waters of Lake Celilo in March 1957 — — Map (db m111983) HM
8► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Chinatown - The Dalles — A Brief History
The development of this block began in the early 1850's and by 1858, an assortment of shops and businesses occupied the entire 1st Street frontage (then also known as Main Street of Front Street). In 1879, a fire swept through the downtown, burning . . . — — Map (db m112466) HM
9► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Civic Auditorium —
The Civic Auditorium, erected in 1921 through a $125,000 bond measure, was dedicated to local veterans of the First World War. Portland architects Houghtaling and Dougan designed the Civic in the Neo-Classical Revival style. This monumental building . . . — — Map (db m112164) HM
10► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Decision at The Dalles —
From 1841 until the early 1900's more than 500,000 people traveled over 2,000 miles from Independence, Missouri to The Dalles, Oregon. They had to make a decision at The Dalles for traveling the last 100 miles to the Willamette Valley. They could . . . — — Map (db m112468) HM
11► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Elks Temple — 1910
This Colonial-style brick building was built as a lodge hall and a residence for members. The front of the building is distinguished by four columns, decorative pilasters and a balcony. The grand ballroom has a rare, spring-loaded hardwood floor. In . . . — — Map (db m112019) HM
12► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Establishing Rock Fort —
Although the Lewis and Clark expedition established Rock Fort under ominous conditions, their experience was not as threatening as they had been warned. It is possible that the perceived hostility had more to do with the tensions between the . . . — — Map (db m158411) HM
13► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — First Congregational Church — (United Church of Christ)
Since 1859, The Dalles area Congregationalists have occupied four edifices, three of which were destroyed by fire. The present Tudor Gothic church has served since 1937. The church is distinguished by Tudor arches, Celtic crosses, corner bell tower, . . . — — Map (db m112435) HM
14► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Foley House —
This fine Colonial Revival house was built around 1909 by attorney W.H. Wilson, then sold to Pat Foley, manager of the Hotel Dalles. Presently known as the Colonial Building, the house is in excellent condition, with extremely crisp detailing. The . . . — — Map (db m112115) HM
15► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — French and Company Bank —
The original 1879 French and Company Bank building was razed and replaced with this structure in the late 1920s. The original bank building was one of the first in the territory east of the Cascades. Operated by brothers J.W. and D.W. French, it has . . . — — Map (db m112026) HM
16► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Gates Hotel —
Colonel Ned H. Gates, often known as “Father of The Dalles,” built this building in 1870. Colonel Gates was active in the organization of The Dalles by surveying the original plat and drafting the city’s charter which was presented to . . . — — Map (db m112071) HM
17► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Granada Theater —
This Moorish-style motion picture theater was completed in 1930 for its first proprietor, M.R. Matthew, at a cost of $125,000. The plans were prepared by William Cutts of Portland, who designed approximately sixty theaters for the Universal Film . . . — — Map (db m112027) HM
18► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Greatest Indian Fishery of the Northwest —
Before The Dalles Dam was built, the Columbia River plunged over Celilo Falls and cut through the Narrows or Five Mile Rapids. Although obstacles to navigation, the falls created the region’s greatest fishing site. For more than 10,000 years . . . — — Map (db m111985) HM
19► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Historic Downtown The Dalles — The Dalles — Est. 1850 —
Historic Downtown The Dalles Five photographs with descriptions are on the marker: (top right) North on Union Street behind the current Post Office was the Dalles Railroad Depot, built prior to 1910. It was south of the ferry landing . . . — — Map (db m112464) HM
20► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — I.O.O.F. (Odd Fellows) Hall —
The I.O.O.F. Hall was constructed in 1904 and rebuilt in 1915. The brickwork is richly detailed, including window surrounds and corbel tables to support the cornice and name block. Six charter members created the local I.O.O.F. in 1857 and . . . — — Map (db m112020) HM
21► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Importance of Salmon —
Assets of the Columbia River, from the Dalles east at the Long Narrows and Cielo Falls was the most productive fishing area in North America. The power of salmon in the lives of American Indians living along the Columbia River can not be . . . — — Map (db m158361) HM
22► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Lemke Building —
This two-story brick building was constructed in 1910. The main elevation displays the only white glazed brick used in the downtown area. The building has examples of classic detailing, including brick keystones with flat voussoirs and a six-course . . . — — Map (db m112070) HM
23► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Loren R. Kaufman Memorial — Medal of Honor
The President of the United States, in the name of Congress, has awarded the Medal of Honor Posthumously to Loren R. Kaufman Sergeant First Class, US Army Born: July 27, 1923 at The Dalles, Oregon * Entered Service: The Dalles, Oregon . . . — — Map (db m63293) WM
24► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Maier Building —
This three-story brick building was constructed in the Italianate style in 1881. The main facade is organized into four bays of one-over-one double hung wood sash windows with fan decorations at each corner. There is a decorative brick belt cornice . . . — — Map (db m112022) HM
25► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Methodist Parsonage —
Built in 1916, this modest residence is an example of the American Four Square style of architecture. It is a two-story wood frame building with a hip roof supporting a shed roof dormer facing the main elevation. The second floor windows are . . . — — Map (db m112111) HM
26► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Nickelsen Bookstore —
The bookstore is a one-story brick building built in 1870 for Daniel M. and Joshua W. French as part of a large holding of property in The Dalles. Ingwert C. Nickelsen moved his bookstore and music business here in 1883, and it has been used for . . . — — Map (db m112401) HM
27► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Oaks Hotel —
This two-story former hotel building of brick construction was built about 1890. It is one of the grandest examples of commercial architecture in the High Victorian Italianate style standing in The Dalles today. The upper facade is symmetrically . . . — — Map (db m112068) HM
28► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Rock Fort Camp — October 25, 1805
Rock Fort is an important mid-Columbia campsite for the Lewis and Clark Expedition. After a portage around the Great Falls (Celilo) they came to a gentle part of the river near the present city of The Dalles. They formed their camp on a high point . . . — — Map (db m112021) HM
29► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Rumor of Attack —
On the journey down the Columbia, the expedition relied upon the Nez Perce chief Twisted Hair (Walamo> ńus'ynia) for his knowledge of the river rapids and interpretive skills with the downstream people. As the expedition passed village . . . — — Map (db m158410) HM
30► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Second Wasco County Courthouse —
Completed in 1881, this building is the second of three courthouses which may be seen in The Dalles today. It exhibits characteristics of the then-popular Italianate style of architecture. The courthouse contained county offices on the first floor, . . . — — Map (db m112072) HM
31► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Seeing Red — 'Places of Negotiable Affection'
You're looking at one of The Dalles' 'Places of Negotiable Affection.' By foot, wagon canoe and horseback, 'civilization' took root, and with it the need for certain services - lumber, horses, foodstuffs - and of course, the comfort of . . . — — Map (db m112031) HM
32► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — St. Peter's Church —
St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church was completed in 1898 in the Gothic Revival style. The steeple rises to a height of 176 feet and is surmounted by a cross and a six-foot tall cock weathervane. Stained glass windows, a tin ceiling cover embossed . . . — — Map (db m112397) HM
33► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The Commodore —
This building is historically known as the Masonic Hall, and more commonly referred to as The Commodore Apartments. This structure was built in 1910 on the site of an 1881 Masonic Lodge, opening for business in 1911. The architect was R.N. . . . — — Map (db m112017) HM
34► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The Corps of Discovery 'Into the Narrows' — Thursday 24th October 1805
President Thomas Jefferson's vision, which was reflected in a letter of credit written in 1803 was about to be realized in less than 200 miles, but first the Corps had to shoot the rapids of the Narrows of the Columbia. The important supplies were . . . — — Map (db m112467) HM
35► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The Dalles City Hall 1908 —
Incorporation of The Dalles under Territorial Government came in 1857, and in 1863 a Charter Amendment provided for a Mayor to replace the City President. The Dalles built this city hall in 1908 at a cost of about $30,000. It is a two-story . . . — — Map (db m112441) HM
Is there a casino near the dalles oregon map
36► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The Dalles Garage —
Father Nooy, a Catholic priest, and Jack Frank built The Dalles Garage in 1920. In 1922, the Columbia River Highway (U.S. Highway 30) was completed and ran in front of the garage, then known as Lester’s Garage. The building was next occupied by . . . — — Map (db m112074) HM
37► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The Fur Trade —
The British owned Hudson Bay Company dominated the fur trade in the Pacific Northwest during the early 1800's. Dr. John McLaughlin, who headed the Northwest enterprise, sent brigades of boats far up the Columbia River to the far flung company . . . — — Map (db m114142) HM
38► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The History of the Columbia River Highway — Gorge Discovery Center
Tucked along the bluffs above the Columbia River lies a hidden treasure: the Historic Columbia River Highway. This grand road - the first scenic highway in the United States - was built in the early 1900s by engineers and architects eager to create . . . — — Map (db m158537) HM
39► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The Lewis & Clark Expedition —
In 1804-1806, Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led the Corps of Discovery on an epic journey. Charged by President Thomas Jefferson to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean through the newly acquired Louisiana territory, they mapped the . . . — — Map (db m158417) HM
40► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The Lewis and Clark Expedition —
In 1804-06, Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led about 40 soldiers and boatmen on an epic journey. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned this “Corps of Discovery” to find a route to the Pacific Ocean through the newly . . . — — Map (db m111984) HM
41► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The Mill Creek Tunnel —
' three in the evening we arrived at the entrance to Quinnette creek (known today as Mill Creek) which we ascended a short distance and encamped at the place we have called rock fort camp.' - Meriwether Lewis, April 13, 1806 . . . — — Map (db m158415) HM
42► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The Pioneer Building —
Owned by the French family, the Pioneer Building was built c. 1881 and was first occupied by a general merchandising store. During this time long trains of freight wagons loaded with goods for the gold regions of Eastern Oregon departed from this . . . — — Map (db m112024) HM
43► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The Thompson House — 1889-97
This Victorian house of Queen Anne and Eastlake motifs is located in the historic center of The Dalles. John L. Thompson, a blacksmith who arrived in The Dalles from Boston in 1869, built the house between 1889 and 1897. It served as a family . . . — — Map (db m112438) HM
44► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — The White Man Legend —
(The left side of this marker is badly damaged. This is the best interpretation the contributor could make out.) Along time ago my people in the Cascades learned that white men would come. One old man, I believe, learned of it at night. He . . . — — Map (db m158362) HM
45► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Trade Center for 10000 Years —
The Dalles has long been a center of commerce between the Pacific Coast and inland Plateau. Chinook Indian traders, negotiated trade using 'Chinookk jargon,' a mixture of Salish, Nootka, Chinook, and eventually English. Here could be found trade . . . — — Map (db m158363) HM
46► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — U.S. Post Office —
The United States Post Office, which opened in 1916, was the first postal building erected in The Dalles. It was designed in the Roman Classical style under the direction of Oscar Wenderoth, Supervising Architect of the Treasury. Its facing of . . . — — Map (db m112073) HM
47► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Umatilla House — 1857 - 1930

Is There A Casino Near The Dalles Oregon Campgrounds

When this fine hotel was completed in 1857, it soon became nationally known for its architectural charm, lavish furnishings and fixtures and warm and gracious hospitality. This stately property was considered to be the finest hotel west of Chicago . . . — — Map (db m112109) HM
48► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Vogt Hall —
This 1921 Mission-style building was part of St. Peters Catholic Church. It was the gymnasium and meeting hall of the former Catholic School and often used for dances and meetings of various organizations. A curvilinear parapet surmounts the . . . — — Map (db m112437) HM
49► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Wasco County Courthouse 1914 —

Is There A Casino Near The Dalles Oregon Map

The county dedicated this distinctive, classical-style building, the latest of three courthouses remaining in The Dalles, on October 3, 1914. The lot at 5th and Washington Streets cost $8,000; the furnishings cost $12,645; and final building . . . — — Map (db m112402) HM

Is There A Casino Near The Dalles Oregon Lodging

50► Oregon (Wasco County), The Dalles — Wingate & Williams Building —
Common names for this building include “The Williams 1870 Building” and “The DesRochers Building.” The two-story rectangular brick building received extensive remodeling in 1938, covering or removing the earlier building . . . — — Map (db m112439) HM