How To Buy Warframe Slots 2018

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  3. How To Buy Warframe Slots

Even tho being stuck on lvl 30, can we keep on upgrading ou warframe rank? Like im stuck on rank 2 lvl 30. In order to increase your Mastery rank, you must level up new weapons and frames. You only get mastery experience once per item, and buying/crafting copies of them, or using forma, will not earn you additional mastery experience. Warframe Review - 2018. You can only hold two Warframes before you need to buy more Warframe slots, but there are currently 59 collectible ones. For someone who doesn’t want to pay, that. You can obtain every mod / weapon / sentinal / warframe in game with out spending a single red cent. If you have spent enough time on this game to NEED more warframe / weapon slots then spend 5$ and buy them. Can't afford 5$ then you probably should not be spending so much time playing mmo's. Then max it out. Then use it to clear the content and unlock everything. By then you will have access to good relics and missions where good stuff drops. Then farm primes and sell cheaply until you have enough for slots (slots are cheap!). Then add another solid weapon. Soon you will have enough to buy more slots and get more weapons and warframes.

Riven mods. All the potential in the world to make your favourite weapons amazing, locked away behind a wall of randomness and horrible Kuva. They’re also locked away behind a limited amount of space, with a base amount of 15 Riven Mod slots, with more riven slots costing you 60 platinum for a measly 3 slots. They’re expensive and annoying and disappointing and if you want to make use of them, not end up with an inventory of crap or make some platinum, you need to learn how and when to get rid of them.

Let’s make things clear right now. Most riven mods are shit. They are for weapons no one likes and often have shitty base stats. Or maybe they have average stats. But most of the time, it’s hard to sell your riven mods. No one really wants them. Now that riven transmutation is available, then maybe crap rivens will be desired, but even then, riven transmutors are in short supply, only available by killing the third and biggest Eidolon. Transmutors aren’t trade-able either.

There are several ways we can look at this.

The first way is whether you just want to make some platinum right here, right now. If you just want cold, hard platinum and don’t want to mess around with riven mods at all, don’t unveil your mods. Veiled riven mods always sell for a pretty standard amount of platinum. Shotgun rivens are the most expensive because they’re the rarest. Rifle and pistol rivens are around about the same price. Prices tend to go up when new weapons are released, as people want to unveil rivens in the chance to get rivens for said new weapons as they come out. This is a pretty easy, guaranteed way to make sure you definitely get some platinum.

The second way to look at this is trying to sell rivens for good weapons. Really, the term ‘good weapon’ is very up in the air and it all depends on what you like, so this is a bit… open to interpretation. On top of the recent balance changes and weapon buffs, the term ‘good weapon’ has opened up a lot. This comes in two forms: weapons that are considered meta (e.g. Tigris, Hek, Soma, Atterax) and weapons that are normally just meh but are AMAZING with rivens (e.g. the Miter, sniper rifles, the Scoliac, most shotguns). There are also some weapons that fall into both categories, like the Opticor and the Sicarus Prime, where they have a high disposition (i.e. chance at getting high stats) AND are already insanely powerful.

Examples of weapons that are powerful as they are and kinda get better with rivensExamples of Weapons that are considered mid-tier but are insanely strong with rivensWeapons that can make you well off just by unveiling one and can make you a huge amount of plat if they have good stats
Soma, Tigris, Hek, Atterax, Galatine, Grakata, Twin Grakata, Akstiletto, Lesion, OrthosThe majority of shotguns apart from the Convectrix, Phage and Sweeper (e.g. Strun, Astilla), weaker Sniper Rifles and Bows, Braton, Gorgon (since it got buffed)Scoliac, Lecta, Arca Plasmor, Corinth, Sicarus, Opticor, Zenistar, Guandao, Lenz, Kohm
Where to buy warframe slots

With rivens for these weapons, you have two choices: sell the rivens unrolled for a good amount of platinum, or reroll until you get an AMAZING set of stats. The question is whether you want to put a lot of effort and Kuva into rerolling a riven got a good weapon, or whether you just want to get rid of the riven mod and make your platinum now.

Amazing stats depends on the weapon – critical damage weapons will want Critical Chance, Critical Damage and either Damage or Multishot as stats, while status weapons will want Status Chance, Damage and Multishot on them. Melee rivens, as well as +critical chance/damage or +status chance, generally want +damage, +range, +attack speed and, for critical damage rivens, +critical chance on slide attacks.

Funnily enough, the best rivens actually have three positives and a negative on them, and the negative is normally something like -zoom, -ammo maximum or some other stat that otherwise wouldn’t affect the weapon. If you have a negative stat on your weapon, it means your positive stats will be higher. For example, a riven mod with +damage and +ammo maximum only will have lower damage and ammo overall than a riven mod with +damage, +ammo maximum and -reload speed. Of course, the numbers are all random, so this isn’t 100% true, but most of the time a negative means better positives.

But the likelihood of getting a riven with amazing stats is kinda low. Sure, with the Sicarus, you definitely could because it’s got a high disposition, meaning it’s more likely to get higher numbers. But most of the time it’s going to take you a billion rerolls to get something amazing. If you plan on keeping the riven for yourself, then you can keep rerolling, but if you plan on selling your riven, if you don’t have anything good after 20 rerolls, it’s probably better to sell it – buyers aren’t fans of high numbers of rolls, but they will still be happy to buy something if it’s got a nice set of stats anyway.

Some people talk about ‘flipping’ riven mods, i.e. buying somewhat cheap, unrolled rivens and rerolling them into rivens with superb stats, but I really recommend against this. It only really works with semi-popular rivens and the chances of rerolling into something amazing in under 20 rolls are tiny. Plus, the price you end up paying for mediocre rivens for good weapons can be pretty high so unless you get super lucky, you don’t make much anyway.

All this talking about selling and I haven’t mentioned where to actually sell mods. And sadly, the in-game trade chat really isn’t a good place to sell your rivens. Funnily enough, I sold most of my rivens on Riven Hub on the unofficial official Warframe Discord channel. You have to do a few things to access the Riven Hub chat room, but it’s a pretty useful place, complete with people and bots to help you grade and price your rivens. For good-but-not-absolutely-amazing rivens you want to sell, Warframe Trader is a good place, more regularly visited compared to It takes a long time to sell rivens on Warframe Trader but assuming you’re not overpricing your stuff, you will eventually someone to buy your rivens.

Despite the in-game chat being a bad place to sell, it IS a good place to buy a riven for a not-super-popular weapon. Simply post that you want a riven for a weapon and people will almost certainly come to you.

Finally, there’s selling rivens for bad weapons. This mainly includes things like the myriad of crappy melee weapons like the Heat Dagger and Plasma Sword, as well as rivens for the non-Helios Sentinel weapons. There are collectors and eccentrics out there, but they’re few and far between. You won’t have much luck selling bad rivens on places like Warframe Trader, but if you offer to sell bad, unrolled (or low-rolled) rivens for around 5-10 platinum a pop, you will get rid of them, and will much more likely get rid of them quicker when riven transmutors become more common.

That being said, if you get, for example, an Akzani riven that gives you +250% damage, it might sell for a bit more and is worth holding on to for the sort of trader willing to buy that sort of thing. But the stats generally have to be pretty damn good for that to happen.

But if you get a riven for a bad weapon with bad stats that you really just don’t like using, you honestly might be better off just turning it into Endo or credits, especially if you’re running out of riven space. Some rivens just won’t sell. If you’ve been sitting on a riven mod for a bad weapon, trying to sell it, feel free to keep on trying to sell it, but if you need more capacity for riven mods, just sell the damn thing.

At the end of the day, as long as you do sorties, you’ll eventually get more rivens, so it doesn’t matter if you destroy a riven no one wants anyway.

My biggest tip of all? It’s better to always be at 14/15 riven mod capacity than it is to have to dissolve a riven mod after doing a sortie due to lack of space.

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Since Platinum is the only ingame currency in Warframe that can be bought with real money, spending it if you only have a small amount is somewhat tricky. Of course you want to buy a lot of new Warframes and weapons, but there are also boosters, cosmetic items and way more stuff. Especially beginners feel overwhelmed when they have to decide where to spend the first few Platinum. Even if you bought some with an discount for real money, unless you start trading you probably won’t have so much Platinum that you don’t know what to do with it. So spending your Platinum wisely is really important. But what items are worth buying and where should you wait until later into to the game?

Where to spend your Platinum

The more Platinum you invest, the more you get out of it. For example: If you use it to buy yourself a strong weapon, you can quicker walk through the different missions, get better Warframes and more resources. But if you use it to buy a really strong Warframe that is used in a lot of different mission types, you can probably get even more out of it. But most Warframes are somewhat easy to farm, so buying those is a “waste” of your currency. Here are the most profitable investments a beginner can make in Warframe.

Important purchases

  • Warframe and weapon slots: You will need a lot of those. 20 Platinum will get you one Warframe slot and since there are currently more than 50 Warframes in the game, you will need to invest quite some amount of Platinum. Weapon slots are a bit cheaper (12 Plat will get you two slots!), but you still probably need to use some hundred Platinum just for weapon slots. Buying these is really the only part in Warframe where you have to spend the premium currency.
  • Boosters: If you have some extra Platinum and you know you are going to spend the next few days playing the game, buying a booster is very effective. Affinity booster will double your experience, credit booster will double your credit income, resource booster will double every resource you pick up and resource drop chance booster will help you get more of rare materials. If you have a lot of Platinum, go ahead and buy the 30-days-booster, since it will provide the best price-performance ration. Especially if you are going to do some credit farming or resource farming, having the proper booster will help you out a lot.
  • Exilus Adapter: Yeah yeah, there will be random alerts giving you an Exilus Adapter blueprint. But if you don’t have those and want to min-max your Warframe, go ahead and invest the Platinum. Waiting for another alert isn’t worth it and the Exilus Adapter might help to optimize your build.
  • Kavat Genetic Code: If you start breeding your own Kavats (a cat-like companion) you will need a lot of Kavat Genetic Code. Farming that is a hassle and not really worth it. Buy yourself some Kavat Genetic Code (or even the Kavat Starter Kit) and save yourself time and sanity.
  • Syndicate weapons and mods: Once you decided to pick your two Syndicates, switching to another one isn’t really necessary or recommended. If you want to raise your Mastery Rank or just want to get a special augmented mod for one of your Warframes you can use your Platinum to buy these things from other players. By the way: You can also sell mods and weapons from your Syndicate to another player and make some Platinum while doing so!

Where To Buy Warframe Slots

Things to buy if you have too much Platinum

  • Warframes: Some Warframes are really hard and boring to farm (looking at you, Nidus and Khora!) and a lot of Primed Warframes are currently not farmable and need to be bought from other trades if you really want them. So using your Platinum to save yourself a lot of time is absolutely a wise decision.
  • Weapons: The same is true for weapons. Some of them are somewhat stressful to farm and some primed weapons aren’t in the current rotation anymore.
  • Landing crafts: Buying a new landing craft doesn’t have any impact on the game, but farming those items is just super frustrating. So if you want to get a new space ship, go ahead and buy it from the shop – it’s totally worth it!
  • Cosmetics: “Fashionframe is the true late game!” Getting new skins and colors for your weapons, Warframes and your ship is why a lot of people still keep coming back to Warframe. So treating yourself to a new cosmetic item if you have enough Platinum lying around is a great way to motivate yourself.

Things you should never buy

  • Endo: Buying Endo from the ingame shop is laughably overpriced and you should never ever buy it from there. Just find yourself an Endo farming group in the recruitment chat and do that instead!
  • Mod packs: Buying a mod pack might look like a good idea at first, but you can farm every mod in the game. If you don’t want to invest the time needed, go ahead and buy mods from other players. That’s always the cheaper and more efficient way.
  • Credits: Same as Endo, buying credits is just a waste of your Platinum. Go ahead and buy a credit booster and do some credit farm runs – that is way smarter and cheaper and will yield way more credits.
  • Forma: Buying forma isn’t usually a good idea, though sometimes you just don’t want to wait for your forma blueprint to finish. So I would not recommend buying it, but it isn’t such a big waste. But don’t buy it.
  • Resources: Same as credits. Buy yourself a resource booster and go farm some missions with a dedicated group. If you need some advice about resource farming, go ahead and take a look at our resource farming guide!
  • Relic packs: Don’t buy them for Platinum. If you really want to use relic packs and don’t want to do missions to farm relics, rather use your Syndicate points. Especially if you currently don’t need those.
  • Speed ups: It is hard to wait 24 hours for a new weapon or to wait three days to get a new Warframe – we know! But using your Platinum to speed up the completion of your builds is never worth it. Just wait, use something else and spend your premium currency on something else.

How To Buy Warframe Slots 2018 Youtube


How To Buy Warframe Slots

So there are some traps inside the ingame shop and investing your Platinum into some stuff is just a waste of your ingame currency (and money). In the end you are free to spend your Platinum on whatever you want, but using it in the most efficient way during the first few (hundred) hours is probably a good idea. If you want to know how you can get more Platinum feel free to take a look at our Platinum farming guide! It will probably help you to progress faster through the early and mid game and will give you good points to start from.