Can You Advertise Gambling On Instagram

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In the last 15 years, social media has become such a pervasive part of our lives that we don’t even notice how much time we’re spending on it. Statista reports that the average person spends 135 minutes on social media each day, following an upward trend of increasing time spent on social media each year. This raises the question: What are the effects of social media on the brain?

  • Jan 04, 2019 If you’re more comfortable using Power Editor, you can also create Instagram ads there. If you already create Facebook ads, much of this process will be familiar to you. In the Ads Manager, click on the “Campaigns” tab and then “+ Create” near the top left corner of the screen.
  • Posting on Instagram is fun, and it can also be good for business. You can use Instagram to promote companies you love and to network with local businesses by promoting their products and services — but for Instagram networking to work, the companies you’re promoting have to know you’re doing it.

Instagram advertising falls under the umbrella of Facebook’s advertising system, so if you understand how Facebook costs work, a lot of this guide will sound familiar. Being a part of the Facebook advertising network, Instagram ads are bought through an auction system which determines how much Instagram ads cost. In fact, Instagram ads are built in Facebook’s Ad Manager (or Power Editor) and can coincide with your Facebook campaigns if you select “Instagram” as one of your ad placements. Other ad placement options include Facebook’s Desktop and Mobile News Feeds, the right column on Facebook’s Desktop News Feed, and Facebook’s Audience Network. 382.1m Followers, 54 Following, 6,597 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Instagram (@instagram).

Psychology: Comparison Is the Thief of Joy

A University of Pennsylvania study examined how social media use causes fear of missing out (“FOMO”). In the study, one group of participants limited their time on social media to 30 minutes a day, while a control group continued to use Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram as usual. The researchers tracked the participants’ social media time automatically via iPhone battery usage screen shots, and participants completed surveys about their mood and well-being. After three weeks, the participants who limited social media said that they felt less depressed and lonely than people who had no social media limits.

Psychologist Melissa Hunt led the study. She explained, “‘Using less social media than you normally would leads to significant decreases in both depression and loneliness. These effects are particularly pronounced for folks who were more depressed when they came into the study.'”

Hunt suggests that the reason for feeling depressed after spending too much time on social networks boils down to comparison. When viewing someone else’s curated life online, it’s easy see their perfect pictures and think their lives are better than yours.

Physiology: Brain Chemistry Leaves Us Craving More “Likes”

Neuroscientists are studying the effects of social media on the brain and finding that positive interactions (such as someone liking your tweet) trigger the same kind of chemical reaction that is caused by gambling and recreational drugs.

According to an article by Harvard University researcher Trevor Haynes, when you get a social media notification, your brain sends a chemical messenger called dopamine along a reward pathway, which makes you feel good. Dopamine is associated with food, exercise, love, sex, gambling, drugs … and now, social media. Variable reward schedules up the ante; psychologist B.F. Skinner first described this in the 1930s. When rewards are delivered randomly (as with a slot machine or a positive interaction on social media), and checking for the reward is easy, the dopamine-triggering behavior becomes a habit.

Side Effects of Social Media on the Brain

Spending too much time on social media isn’t just a bad habit; it can have real consequences. Science shows that we are basically carrying around little dopamine stimulators in our pockets, so it’s not surprising that we’re constantly distracted by our phones. A TED video explains that social media makes us bad at multitasking and causes phantom vibration syndrome, which is when you feel like your phone is buzzing even though it’s not.

Just like a gambling or substance addiction, social media addiction involves broken reward pathways in our brains. Social media provides immediate rewards — in the form of attention from your network — for minimal effort through a quick thumb tap. Therefore, the brain rewires itself, making you desire likes, retweets, emoji applause and so on. According to TED, five to 10 percent of internet users are psychologically addicted and can’t control how much time they spend online. Brain scans of social media addicts are similar to those of drug-dependent brains: There is a clear change in the regions of the brain that control emotions, attention and decision making.

To make things worse, according to TED, the reward centers in our brains are most active when we’re talking about ourselves. In real life, people talk about themselves 30 to 40 percent of the time; social media is all about showing off your life, so people talk about themselves a whopping 80 percent of the time. When a person posts a picture and gets positive social feedback, it stimulates the brain to release dopamine, which again rewards that behavior and perpetuates the social media habit.

Moderation Is Crucial

Can You Advertise Gambling On Instagram

The science is clear: Too much social media can alter our brain chemistry. But there are also many good sides to social media; for example, we use these networks to stay in touch with friends and family and to connect to more people across the globe. reports that social media is good for science communication, which is critical for getting research findings to shape public policy. As for what can be done to mitigate the negative, the University of Pennsylvania study suggests that limiting the amount of time spent on social media can reduce harmful psychological effects.

Northrop Grumman has a long history of research and development resulting in innovation and discovery. We’re always looking for people to join our team and participate in creating the next big thing.

72% of users have bought a product they discovered on Instagram. Add that to Instagram’s 1 billion active users (more than double the number of active users on Twitter) and 75% of its users who are ready to take action.

With all of these opportunities to connect with prospective customers, gain new followers, build a strong brand authority and reputation, promote your products and services, and track customer satisfaction in real time, it only gets better when Instagram promotions are thrown into the mix.

There is one challenge, however: Getting your Instagram promotion to be approved.

And you want to believe us when we say this is a challenge because, for one, Instagram has not come out to address this issue—thereby leaving room for speculative information which, honestly, can be misleading and frustrating.

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So we thought you will be interested in knowing what a promotion on Instagram mean, the cost of running an Instagram promotion, how to pay for a promotion, how long it takes to get your ads approved, why your ads are being disapproved, and the next steps to take when your ads are not approved.

Why your Instagram promotion was not approved

There are a number of reasons that may have caused your Instagram promotion to be disapproved. Tobacco, drugs, drug-related products, unsafe supplements, weapons, ammunition, and explosives are some of the products Facebook listed under Prohibited Content on their Advertising Policies page.

But why Facebook when we're talking about Instagram advertising? Well, Instagram is now Facebook’s property. This means you can cross-advertise from the two platforms and must adhere to a set of ad guidelines to successfully advertise on either.

If your ad was disapproved for no reason or for all the reasons in the world, you might want to spend time on Instagram’s Terms of Use page. Reason for the disapproval might jump right at you.

It’s worth mentioning that the likes of Google, Twitter, and even Reddit all offer paid advertising and their ads go through approval. They disapprove ads as well, so it's safe to say Instagram is not acting in isolation.

3 ways to get your Instagram promotion approved

Was your ad not approved? Here are 3 methods to get your Instagram promotion approved:

  1. File an appeal.
  2. Fix and resubmit your ad.
  3. Bin the ad and create a new one.

Below are details of how each of these methods works with actionable points.

Filing an appeal for a rejected Instagram ad

By filing an appeal, you are essentially telling Facebook you think their automated ad review process had judged you wrongly and therefore want your ad to be manually reviewed. Just be sure you haven't violated any Facebook advertising policies as there is no second chance for appeal.

If your appeal gets approved, your ads will start running immediately and you will be charged accordingly. If otherwise, then you want to try the other two options listed in this section.

To file an appeal for your rejected Instagram ads:

  • Follow this link to fill the 'appeal a disapproved ad' form. You will be asked a few questions regarding your ad. Answer and submit. And since your submission will be manually processed, the waiting time will vary from several hours to a day—depending on the nature of the suspected issue and the amount of investigation required.

Fixing and resubmitting rejected Instagram ads

Your decision to fix and resubmit your rejected ads shows your full understanding of Instagram rules and community standard and your commitment to the content of your ads. Luckily, this option allows multiple resubmission, which gives room for some serious testing.

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In trying to fix your rejected ads, you certainly want to test one variable at a time.

  • Change the landing page URL to another URL, preferably your homepage. Not recommended but it is one step toward identifying issues with your landing page. Assuming all other elements of your ad are retained and your ad gets accepted, you know there’s something wrong with your landing page and can act accordingly.
  • Make incremental changes to your ad text or change it all at once and see if the text was the problem. If the landing page and the image are the same and by changing the text your ad was approved, you know some element of that text was triggering a rejection. This also applies to changing the image without changing the text.
  • Check your targeting options and be sure you aren’t targeting an audience that has been flagged in both of Instagram’s ad rules and Facebook’s ad policies.
  • Also, check your payment options and ensure all information are correct.

Creating and submitting new Instagram ads

With more than three manual ad disapprovals, you will want to review your approach.

  • Re-read (this time more carefully) Facebook’s ad guidelines and Instagram’s rules and community standard.
  • Come up with a new content and landing page.
  • Change the URL of your existing landing page.
  • Ensure full compliance with the ad guidelines.
  • Submit your ad(s) and wait for approval.

Bonus nuggets

  • Review your ad for compliance with Instagram’s Music Guidelines, Platform Policy, Community Payment Terms, and Community Guidelines. (If you don’t have time to check those links individually, Instagram has summarised those pieces of information in their Terms of Use. Go over and check it out.)
  • Once you are sure your ads complied with Instagram ad guidelines, proceed to submit your ads for approval and don’t forget to track performance using Instagram in-built insights and analytics once your ad is approved.

Frequently-asked questions about Instagram promotions


What does a promotion on Instagram mean?

Can You Promote Gambling On Instagram

Promotion on Instagram is a partnership between Instagram and you the advertiser (an Instagram user who has switched to Instagram Business account) where you pay Instagram to allow you turn your photos, videos, carousel, stories, or collections into ads. The platform will then display the ads in strategic places within the app for increased reach, visibility, and engagement.

Through this partnership and depending on goals/objectives you set, you can expect to drive targeted traffic, expand your customer base, upsurge app installs or video views, generate leads, or promote your brand while selling your products and/or services. The effectiveness of your ads also depends on your promotion budget, ad types (photo, video, collection, Stories, or carousel), and the length of time you have chosen to run the promotion.

Can You Advertise Gambling On Instagram Page

Pro-Tip: There are 10 Instagram ad objectives as stated by Facebook.

How much does it cost to promote on Instagram?

According to ThriveHive, the average CPM (cost per thousand impressions) for an IG promotion is $6.70. They projected that the cost will likely go down as more companies utilize the platform...and it looks like they were spot-on with their February 2017 prediction.

As of October 2018, both Wordstream and Influencer Marketing Hub confirm that you could be paying just above $5 CPM on Instagram, and that's for highly targeted ads. The latter added that you can expect to pay anything between $0.2 and $2 per click.

How do I pay for promotions from the Instagram app?

Simply link your Instagram account to your Facebook ad account. From within your Facebook ad account, you can use the payment method from that account to pay for your Instagram promotions. If, however, you don’t have a Facebook ad account, you’d be required to create one and then create a promotion. You must add a payment method (credit and debit cards, PayPal, Facebook Gift Cards, Boleto, etc.) to submit your promotion for approval.

How long does Instagram take to approve a promotion?

Updates on approval for your Instagram promotion typically come in in a few hours or a whole day. But, it can also take a little more time.

Why opt for Instagram ads?

As you know, Instagram is one of the largest social networks today thanks to its massive 1+ billion active users (38% of which are checking Instagram multiple times a day and liking up to 4.2 billion posts). Not only that, 80% of users follow at least one business account—driving interaction rate up 2.2% in comparison with Facebook’s 0.2%. Amid others, these are pointers that show why brands are putting a ton of efforts into running Instagram ads.


Regardless of your niche or industry, Instagram offers a highly-engaged audience for your brand, business, or agency to speak to. Instagram promotions can further help you to target age, gender, and location; reach customers or clients that are likely interested in your products and/or services; and meet your business goals.

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But when your ad gets disapproved, you can file an appeal, fix and resubmit your ad, or bin the ad and create a new one. Hopefully, you'll find one of these techniques helpful in getting your rejected or future ads approved. Cheers!